More rail cash, please

Councillor Roz Blades with Constable Deb Reavley. Cr Blades is disappointed government funding will not be enough for Dandenong Station.  77695Councillor Roz Blades with Constable Deb Reavley. Cr Blades is disappointed government funding will not be enough for Dandenong Station. 77695

FUNDING for the upgrade of Dandenong Railway Station is welcome but not enough for one councillor.
Planning Minister Matthew Guy announced the State Government was moving forward in providing $700,000 in funding for the station and bus interchange.
“Access to this important transport hub is vital for it to operate effectively and efficiently and will ensure that the Central Activities Area is well connected,” Mr Guy said.
The funding will provide for the relocation of traffic signals in Foster Street, additional seating, shelter and connectivity between trains and buses and better access for people with a disability.
Long-time campaigner for public transport in Greater Dandenong, Cr Roz Blades said the council was extremely pleased with the funding but it was not enough.
“We’re very pleased with $700,000 but we’re not getting everything we want,” Cr Blades said. “This work is considered as stage one.”
Cr Blades said the council had brought Metro, the Department of Transport, Victoria Police and Neighbourhood Watch together to create discussion about the future of the station.
“We were the people that said it needed to be done,” she said. “The government responded and we’re very grateful for that.
“But we want the future stages and we need crucial funding for the Station Action Plan.
The council had applied for $4 million of works to improve issues with safety and public policy.
“With revitalisation of Dandenong, this (station improvements) is going to be the last piece of the jigsaw,” Cr Blades said.
“If you’re going to revitalise, you have got to bring people here and they might need to come by train. This is about getting the people on the train, feeling safe and coming to Dandenong to go to the Drum Theatre, go to market or the new library.”