Moving right along with Reverie

Reverie at its original location, during the Nocturne night projection exhibition.

ARTWORK Reverie will soon return to Lonsdale Street in Dandenong.
The Dandenong Development Board and City of Greater Dandenong commissioned the piece in 2004 and installed it on the corner of Lonsdale and Walker streets.
It made room for the Lonsdale Street redevelopment in 2010 and will find a new home at the road’s Pultney Street intersection in the coming months.
The area is currently undeveloped but there’s a design incorporating the artwork, trees, seating, grassed areas and lighting that will be considered for funding in the council’s 2013-14 budget.
The artwork by internationally accomplished artist Paul Johnson celebrates a relationship to the Drum Theatre.
It’s made of a series of tall galvanised structures linked by a central ring, an interactive laser lighting feature that displays animations, and red seating.