Council cuts question time

PUBLIC question time at City of Greater Dandenong council meetings is set to be slashed.
The council on Monday night endorsed its proposed Meeting Procedure Local Law changes and released the document for public comment for four weeks from 13 May.
Under the draft document, questions will be limited to three per person and a question will only be read out at a council meeting if the CEO determines it’s not asked to embarrass a councillor or council officer and is not repetitive of a question already asked or answered – at the same or an earlier meeting.
A maximum of 300 words will be read aloud and no debate on or discussion of a question or an answer will be permitted other than for clarification.
Question time is limited to 60 minutes, but could by council resolution be extended.
Councillor Matthew Kirwan said he objected to restricting public question time but was happy for the proposed changes to go out for public comment.
Councillor Sean O’Reilly said the changes struck a balance between “unlimited and more practical”.
“Council will listen at all times,” he said.
“We’re always looking at making council more transparent.”