Theatre drums up future plans

Drum Theatre 66976


The Drum Theatre will continue to play an integral role in multicultural performing arts across the Dandenong region, according to the theatre’s recently released strategic plan.
The three-year plan has been put to the council by the Drum Theatre Advisory Committee and outlines a plan and key priorities for the establishment.
The plan focuses on how the theatre will continue and strive to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of Dandenong.
“Drum Theatre’s programming is a regional attractor, welcoming a wide range of audiences through its entertaining, exciting and multicultural approach to theatre production,” the plan stated.
“Drum Theatre is a resource to the city, offering services that increase the capacity of arts and cultural organisations through high levels of technical support and quality marketing support.”
The committee’s plan describes the Drum Theatre as an iconic destination in Dandenong and outlines its key mission objectives.
These include continuing to offer high quality performing arts shows, to remain a leader in arts development, to attract a diverse range of community patrons and participants and to foster its partnerships with key stakeholders.
“Drum is committed to adding value and creating opportunity for all artists, producers, community and performing arts organisations who use the facilities,” the plan stated.
“By enhancing the visibility of performing arts within Dandenong and the broader region, Drum Theatre plays an important role in community leadership, engaging with local and national performing arts producers and organisations to deliver diverse programs that serve its wide-ranging audiences.”
The Strategic Plan also noted the committee’s intention to establish the theatre as an environmentally conscious theatre, embracing and contributing to Council’s environmental sustainability goals.
“Drum Theatre has been operating since 2006 and the changes made in 2012 to recruit an expert Advisory Committee has resulted in a clear definition of Drum Theatre’s mission, vision and values,” the plan stated.
“The improved performance measures contained within the associated business plan will enable more accurate assessment of the growth of Drum Theatre and its capacity to serve the community.