Court after crackdown

FIVE drivers will face court following a police crackdown in Dandenong on 8 August.
The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) operation lasted six hours and detected seven unregistered vehicles, one unlicensed driver, two learner driver offences and two unroadworthy cars.
“Those drivers received on the spot penalty notices,” Dandenong Acting Senior Sergeant Duncan Bartley said.
Three disqualified drivers who were detected will face court, including one whose car was impounded, and two other drivers will answer charges over Interlock device offences.
Act Sen Sgt Bartley said the results served as a reminder that impound laws affected not only hoons and that having a licence was a privilege.
He said police ran these operations regularly.
“We have the capacity to set this up at most locations,” he said.
“Drivers who have a total disregard for the law will suffer the consequences.”