Dollar donations

Councillor Roz Blades picks up groceries with a $1 price tag to donate to the Springvale Benevolent Society. 115732 Picture: DONNA OATES


A DOLLAR makes a difference.
That’s the slogan councillor Roz Blades is touting to give Springvale Benevolent Society a hand.
“During their grocery shop every week, I want people to buy something for a dollar,” she said.
“I want them to save up, get a bag-full together then take it to the Benevolent Society.
“For that $1 a week you’re going to be making a real difference.”
Cr Blades said the volunteer service was receiving 20 to 30 new clients in need every month.
“I’ve had my busiest month so far,” she said.
“I think some tough times are on the way.
“People will think ‘I’ve got no money to put in’.
“But a dollar … this is quite do-able.”
And Cr Blades practises what she preaches.
For years she’s picked up tinned and packaged items during each grocery shop.
The group has a small food bank to support individuals and families who’d otherwise go hungry.
The Benevolent Society also distributes basic household items like cutlery and crockery.
One woman who had with nothing to her name and had been living in a garage for a year turned to Cr Blades for help.
“She didn’t even have a saucepan,” she said.
“We can’t do this unless we have donations.
“It’s the milk of human kindness.”
Call Cr Blades on 0417 053 612 to help.