GARDENING is bringing people together in Dandenong and Noble Park.
Dandenong Neighbourhood House and Noble Park Community Centre have spaces where community members can garden, grow fresh food, develop new skills, share knowledge socialise and relax.
Their aim is to increase healthy eating, provide a place to be physically active and celebrate cultural diversity.
Dandenong Neighbourhood House manager Robyn Coslovich said the centre’s community garden linked with English language and cooking classes.
Noble Park Community Centre executive officer Brian Woodman said garden club members could offer as little or as much time as they liked to the project.
He said some members had a wealth of knowledge about fruits and vegetables, others had come to learn more and start a new interest, and some had horticultural and ornamental flower and plant expertise they liked to share.
Dandenong Community House is holding a community garden open day from noon to 4pm on Tuesday 1 April.
Call Dandenong Neighbourhood House on 9792 5298 for more information.
Contact Noble Park Community Centre on 9547 5802 for more information about its garden club.