Life on $2 a day

May Dang will live below the poverty line. 119582 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


SPRINGVALE’S May Dang is doing her bit to change the way people think about poverty.
She’ll take part in Live Below the Line, an anti-poverty challenge that runs from 5 to 9 May and aims to change the way Australians think about extreme poverty.
Participants will survive on $2 a day for five days and fund-raise for education projects in East Timor, Cambodia and Papua New Guinea.
“I did it last year and I managed to raise over $1000,” May said.
“This year I’m taking it to seven days. It’s a bit of a challenge but it’s for a good cause.
“My parents weren’t born in Australia. They’re from Vietnam and China.
“I was lucky enough that they migrated here.
“I could have been one of those kids in another country.”
Last time around May rationed a 99-cent loaf of bread and ate $1 noodles for dinner.
“I managed to go into the local fresh supermarkets at the end of the day and got a bag of eggplants for 50 cents,” May said.
“They’re pretty bland to eat on their own. I haven’t had eggplants ever since.”
It showed May what it was like to have no choice about what and when she ate, and left her low on energy.
“I got really tired and I’d have to just sleep it out,” she said.
“Because I knew I had to portion out my food, I couldn’t eat extras. Otherwise I’d be starving for the next day.
“Walking through a shopping centre, all your senses are overwhelmed.
“I smell a lot of food and it goes straight to the stomach.
“To be living in Australia I think we are really lucky to have all these choices available to us.”
May’s got a team together this year, and is taking her donation tin to university and work.
“People will ask me ‘what’s that for?’ so that’s a good conversation starter,” she said.
“I’ve got my workmates to speak to customers as well.
“They’re able to be my ambassadors.”
Live Below the Line is an initiative from Oaktree, the largest youth-led development organisation in Australia, run exclusively by volunteers aged between 16 and 26.
Visit to donate to May or get involved.