Crying out for helpers


VOLUNTEERS are needed for the growing mass of hungry and homeless families seeking help at Dandenong Benevolent Society.
Co-ordinator Margaret Ladner said her ageing workforce was diminishing just as the benevolent society was being swamped by 15 new families a day needing food, clothing, furniture and toys.
“It’s getting worse. I’m on the verge of retiring myself,” she said.
“We’re seeing people who haven’t eaten for days, who haven’t got money for prescriptions,” Ms Ladner said.
“Some elderly people don’t have anywhere to stay. We’ve got a lot of young people with babies, some who can’t afford the baby formula (milk).”
She is worried that welfare cuts proposed in this month’s Federal Budget could “break” people.
“I think people could just give up. We can give them clothes but what if they don’t have places to go to?”
Ms Ladner said the demand was being matched by Dandenong’s “very generous” donors.
Indeed, the benevolent society was in need of bigger premises to store its goodies.
“I have the great privilege of seeing people come in crying and we can give them a lot of help.
“That’s due to the generosity of Dandenong. There are so many good people.”
To offer a rental premises or volunteer at the benevolent society, call Margaret on 9793 3736.