More leave for Sampey

COUNCILLOR Maria Sampey hasn’t attended a council meeting since October.
In early November she took stress leave and lodged a WorkCover claim against the City of Greater Dandenong for the mental toll taken by a secret council investigation into her and a colleague.
Last Monday night councillors approved her request for a further leave of absence from council meetings until mid-July.
“This isn’t a bit of a break,” Cr Sampey told the Journal in November.
“This is stress. It’s been going on and on and on. There doesn’t seem to be any let-up.
“The doctor said I was so stressed, put in a WorkCover claim.”
In May last year, council CEO John Bennie and former mayor Angela Long launched a confidential investigation into Crs Sampey and Peter Brown for allegedly causing council staff to feel hurt and distressed during debate over a botched footpath in Noble Park.
The two accused councillors have fought for access to the investigation report, handed to the council last July.
“I’m hoping WorkCover will investigate John Bennie and Angela Long – they haven’t looked after my well-being,” Cr Sampey said.
Corporate services director Mick Jaensch said Cr Sampey would continue to receive her councillor allowance.
“There is no limit on when she must return to her role,” he said.
“Council cannot unreasonably refuse to grant leave of absence requests.
“While Cr Sampey remains a councillor there is no scope for an alternate person to take this role.”
The Journal last week asked Cr Sampey when and if she was likely to return, but she declined to provide any comments for publication.