U3A can bear it

Crochet tutor Lorraine Bishop, Dandenong U3A president Jim Archibald, Ambulance Victoria representative David Gray, Amber Carey and knitting instructor Margaret Sheffield. Picture: SHANNEN SYMONDS 22760

SICK children on their way to hospital will be able to cuddle up to a knitted teddy bear, thanks to the Dandenong branch of U3A.
Ambulance Victoria representative David Gray gratefully received an army of colourful teddy bears made by U3A’s knitting and crochet class on 26 June.
Crochet instructor Lorraine Bishop said the knitting class had been hard at work for the past three months, led by Marjorie Allen who wields her needles for many different charities.
“Ninety per cent of our class had never made a bear before and two students didn’t know how to knit, so it was a steep learning curve for some,” said Ms Bishop.
“That’s what the University of the Third Age is about – learning new things to keep our minds and bodies active in retirement.”
Ms Bishop said each bear involved reading and interpreting the pattern, sewing seams, learning how to stuff properly and embroidering the face.
The knitting and crochet class meets every Thursday afternoon for two hours. The classes resume after semester break on 31 July.
The Dandenong U3A office is in the Paddy O’Donohue Centre, Buckley Street, Noble Park. Classes are conducted at various locations around Dandenong.