A RESIDENTS group says it will staunchly oppose any plans by Greater Dandenong Council to demolish Dandenong’s former library.
Councillor Peter Brown last week said the library in Stuart Street “may well be knocked over for car parking” to accommodate the proposed expansion of Dandenong Market.
“They want to expand the market, which would take up existing parking and mean they have to create further parking,” Cr Brown said.
He said the council had received expressions of interests from possible long-term tenants to occupy its nearby offices in Clow Street — also part of the market precinct.
According to the council’s masterplan devised in 2007, the Clow Street offices could become a neighbourhood hub; there is no building retained on the former library site.
Mayor Jim Memeti said the updated masterplan would go to public consultation, including the question of maintaining or demolishing the library building.
“At this point in time, the council has not made up its mind. There are benefits and negatives.
“If the Clow Street offices are available for community use, do we then need the library?
“How much cost will it take to run the library building? How much cost to bring it up for community use?” Cr Memeti said.
“We don’t know those costs yet,” he said.
He said the demolition of the library could create an alternative entrance to the market’s car park from Sleeth Street, which could help decongest the market’s King Street entry.
Dandenong Community Association has petitioned the council to retain the library as a needed community facility.
It has collected 96 signatories to an online petition at
Spokeswoman Silvia Mastrogiovanni said community facilities were “bursting at the seams” due to population growth, the manufacturing downturn and the needs of new arrivals.
“Dandenong needs all the community facilities it can get, particularly those with good access and parking like the former Dandenong Library building.
“We are worried that it will be demolished in a short- term decision that will cost the people who call Dandenong their home a great opportunity,” Ms Mastrogiovanni said.
A council spokeswoman said the council would not comment pre-emptively before a report on the matter was tabled on 28 July.
Meanwhile, the council will tonight vote upon the public sale of the former council depot site at View Road, Springvale.
In a council report, the 22,000 square-metre site was considered surplus to the council’s requirements.
Proceeds from the proposed sale would help fund the council’s $25 million Springvale Civic Site masterplan for a new library and community centre.
The council last year received a petition, demanding the retention of the land. If councillors approve the sale tonight, the community is given 28 days to comment.
What do you think should happen to the former library site? Let us know at