Mobile ministry is on the menu

City of Greater Dandenong Mayor Jim Memeti cooks up a storm with council CEO John Bennie. 124882 Picture: DONNA OATES


THE Jamie’s Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen is now in Dandenong.
It arrived in Palm Plaza last Wednesday and will be hosting hands-on cooking classes until early October.
Participants will learn to use fresh ingredients to create healthy, cheap and tasty meals.
The program inspires and empowers people to change the way their families eat and how they think about food.
Mobile kitchen manager Emma Hannah said Dandenong was the kitchen’s eighth destination in just over 18 months.
“We cook really basic but beautiful, balanced meals,” she said.
“It’s all about having that balanced plate – a veggie component, a protein component.”
She said participants learnt knife and other kitchen skills.
“And the confidence to walk away with some information to apply at home,” she said.
Ms Hannah demonstrates flavour combinations then encourages the rookie cooks to play around with the recipes at home. Many try foods they’ve never eaten before.
“That’s the really exciting part of the program, getting people to try new things,” she said.
Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia CEO Alicia Peardon said the mobile kitchen would deliver two five-week courses of one 90-minute class a week.
“By teaching basic cooking skills, Jamie’s Ministry of Food helps people gain confidence in the kitchen which leads to better food and ultimately better health,” she said.
Not-for-profit organisation The Good Foundation has partnered with Jamie Oliver and The Good Guys to deliver Jamie’s Ministry of Food throughout Australia.
The course costs $50, or $25 for concession card holders, and bookings are open at