On trail of bargains

Mayor Jim Memeti is encouraging residents to hold a garage sale.

THE Garage Sale Trail is coming to Greater Dandenong and residents, and schools and community groups can get involved.
Thousands of households across Australia are expected to hold garage sales on Saturday 25 October as part of the event, which started in Bondi in 2010.
Mayor Jim Memeti said it was a unique opportunity to repurpose unwanted belongings, live in a more sustainable way, connect with the community and raise money.
The council’s Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens will join in the fun with stalls from 11am to 3pm.
Garage Sale Trail is a not-for-profit community enterprise that Andrew Valder and Darryl Nichols founded to promote re-use, reduce waste to landfill, create awareness about illegal dumping, unite communities, and stimulate local economies.
Call 9793 4511 to organise a stall at Heritage Hill. Visit www.garagesaletrail.com.au to register a garage sale or see other planned events.