Watch and learn

James Mustafa and students Eiei and Nyalies watch a pigeon. 135832 Picture: GARY SISSONS


TWITCHING doesn’t feature on most school schedules, but Keysborough College students did just that last week.
The pastime is better known as bird watching and was part of the school’s new Making Connections program.
It focuses on enhancing connections between year seven, eight and nine students, teachers, their peers and the broader community.
They select a special elective from activities including traffic safety and bike education, self defence, philosophy, leadership skills and movie making.
Banksia Campus teacher Stephan Megroz is an avid bird watcher and invited 2014 Victorian bird watching record holder James Mustafa to speak to students.
He spent every day last year travelling the state to see as many bird species as possible and clocked up 401, smashing the previous record by nine.
James spoke about the challenges and highlights of his passion for bird watching and encouraged students to pursue activities and hobbies that developed patience, persistence and an appreciation and respect for wildlife.