Put off parking


A wise man learns from his mistakes, a fool makes the same mistakes twice.
The Dandenong council spent a lot of money putting meters in Dandenong.
I used to go to the market every Saturday.
I parked on the service road by KFC and walked down.
It used to be two hours free parking. There were a lot of cars park there, now there are only three or four cars parked.
Opposite the service road by Coles you could not get parking, now you can take your pick since the meters have gone up and even during working days you can get a park.
At Waverley Gardens and Harrisfield Shopping Centre it is free parking and the veggies and fruit are a lot cheaper.
All the Australians that owned veggie shops in Dandenong Market have gone because the rent is too much.
One shopkeeper told me that he has a stall in Southland and he pays less than Dandenong.
The council wants to put meters in Springvale. People come from all over but now they will go elsewhere.
Is the council looking after small business?
John Kelly has been a councillor too long.
I rang John to ask him why trees that they are planting grow to 15 to 20 meters and their roots crack the footpaths.
Why do you need such large trees, are you sitting under them on your day off, how many times you hear that when a storm hits, branches fall and damage cars or even kill people.
You only need trees two meters tall.
His answers was “if you don’t like it you can plant your own”.
Like he said it is only 50 cents per hour. It’s not the 50 cents, it is getting people to the market.
The Dandenong council needs to look after small business and people.
Karl Joseph,
Noble Park.