Each performer’s chance to shine

Campus principal Dianne Wright with original performers June and Gwynne. 146846 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

VALLEY Village Mews residents and Emerson School students have been dancing up a storm together for 21 years.
And Gwynne Kett, 90, and June Don, 89, have been there for each of them.
The pair have been attending fortnightly line dancing classes since Emerson campus principal Dianne Wright started teaching them at the Dandenong retirement village in 1995.
She refused payment, so participants have made a $2 donation that’s presented to the school at an annual concert and lunch.
Principal John Mooney at this year’s event on Thursday 26 November accepted a cheque for $1100 from Valley Village Mews manager Cynthia Mack.
Mr Mooney thanked the residents for their generosity before everyone tucked into a special luncheon of pizza and cake.
Emerson is a specialist school in Dandenong that caters for children with mild intellectual processing difficulties.