Council lobbies for itself

GREATER Dandenong Council has defended its use of lobbyists to “advance” community interests.
According to the state register of lobbyists, the council had enlisted lobby firm Hawker Britton in the past two years.
The firm’s directors, including Phillip Read, Claire March and Simon Banks, have occupied chief of staff and advisory positions in state and federal governments.
Greater Dandenong chief executive John Bennie said the most successful recent use of lobbyists was the Springvale Road grade separation.
“In this case, and any others (the) council may pursue, lobbying and advocacy costs are considered an investment by (the) council in better outcomes and invariably demonstrate good value for money.”
Mr Bennie said lobbyists helped advocate on the council’s behalf, get access to decision makers and work towards more likely agreement.
“Greater Dandenong Council will not hesitate to take prudent and legitimate steps to advance the interests of its community – people and businesses alike.”
The council did not specify how much it had spent on lobbyists in recent years.