‘Dump’ skyrail

An illustration of sky rail over Corrigan Road, Noble Park.


THE state upper house has called on the government to dump the proposed Caulfield-Dandenong sky rail and instead put rail-under-road to eliminate nine level crossings, including three in Noble Park.
Opposition planning spokesman David Davis, who introduced the motion passed on 9 March, said the government had to “listen to the community”.
“It has gone forward with a model of sky rail before the consultation.
“It is a sham consultation.”
The motion also called for a “full, open Environmental Effects Statement”, without which “the results will be disgraceful and shocking”, Mr Davis said.
“Today’s vote sends a strong message to the Andrews Government to rethink its plans for a cheap and nasty quick fix to its level crossing removal commitments,” he later said.
“Everyone wants level crossings removed – but they want it done properly with rail under road.”
Greens South-East Metropolitan MP Nina Springle told Star News the project could go ahead without parliamentary approval – and so bypass the Legislative Council.
Ms Springle said the Greens were undecided “given there’s no clarity around designs”.
“There’s been no detailed information provided, so it’s impossible to make an informed decision.
“That’s causing community frustration because they want answers and assurance that detailed work has been done, not just a press release and glossy animation.”
Labor Western Metropolitan MP Cesar Melham, in speaking to the Liberals’ motion in Parliament on 9 March, listed the project’s benefits compared to rail-under-road.
Mr Melham said there would be less interruption to commuters and traders, less noise and a lot of new trees and vegetation would be planted.
“At least we will be able to go to the next election in 2018 and say we have delivered that project. What do you think?
“If they think it was a good project, obviously they will vote for the government to get back in.
“If they do not think it was a good project, I am sure they will punish us.”
Liberal South Eastern Metropolitan MP Inga Peulich retorted: “Build sky rail, and Labor is looking at political defeat.
“It is looking at political slaughter.”