MC praises region’s pride

MC Libbi Gorr. 152843 Pictures: ROB CAREW


BROADCASTER Libbi Gorr was “impressed and delighted” with what she saw at the Premier Regional Business Awards gala dinner.
She was MC at the Greater Dandenong Chamber of Commerce event at Sandown Greyhounds on Wednesday 13 April.
“I do get dunked in other people’s worlds from time to time,” Gorr said.
“It does inform me so that I can contribute in a more informed way.
“I’ve been here, I’ve seen it and I understand it.”
She said the range of items manufactured and produced in the region was “astounding” and applauded “how proud you all are”.
She said business was about the integrity of relationships and she got the 400-strong audience giggling by asking them to join hands around their tables and repeat female-focused mantras.
Gorr finished with a poem referencing comments from the night and praise for the businesses, including “you take your products to the world, touching lives here and beyond”.
Greater Dandenong Chamber of Commerce president Paul Broom described the event as the awards program’s “grand final” and welcomed back previous winners.
“Tonight is a celebration of excellence,” he said.
“It’s great to have you back for our very special night.”
Awards chairman and co-MC Jamie Sturgess said the region’s businesses had momentum.
“We need to keep on moving this snowball harder and faster,” he said.