Students step up for song and dance

Welcome to the jungle: Kevin as an Aztec chief. 157292 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


GRADES 5 and 6 students from Athol Road Primary School, in Springvale South, are competing in the national Wakakirri story dance competition.
The competition allows students from across Australia to create a dance story spectacular that they then perform for audiences and judges.
The school has entered teams into the competition for many years with students having creative control over their stories.
This year, students have written and choreographed a story called “Welcome to the Jungle” about a plane crashing into the middle of a jungle.
Assistant principal Carmel Nigro said students dedicated a lot of time and energy into perfecting their stories and dances.
“Term one was about brainstorming with students, which is a big part of process,” she said.
“Term two was spent shaping the story and rehearsing.”
Ms Nigro said the students really enjoyed the competition and loved the opportunity to perform on stage in front of friends and family.
“The students are really looking forward to it,” she said.
“It’s got the competitive side that everyone enjoys but at the same time it’s the opportunity to participate on a big stage.”
While not every student is a natural performer, Ms Nigro said every student learnt something valuable from the Wakakirri competition.
“It means different things to different kids,” she said.
“Some kids love performing arts and are very passionate so it’s an opportunity to explore their passion.
“Then there are kids who are not so confident so it’s challenging them to do something out of comfort zone – everyone is getting personally challenged and that’s the beauty of it.”
The school acknowledged the work of music teacher Megan Lutz.
“She’s very passionate and has played a big role in working with students to grow the story,” Ms Nigro said.
The students will compete in the Wakakirri heat at Frankston Arts Centre, on Tuesday 9 August.