Residents slam shopping centre plan

Access to the proposed new shopping centre is causing concern.


A new shopping centre on the corner of Hutton and Chapel roads in Keysborough is causing headaches for residents.
Nina Kelly from the Keysborough South Action Group put questions to Dandenong councillors about traffic management around the centre at their meeting on Monday 11 July.
Ms Kelly raised many concerns regarding bicycle and pedestrian access to the centre and traffic management and turning lanes.
The group is particularly concerned about the planned main access to the centre being from Chapel Road rather than Hutton Road.
“The current VicRoads approved plans have over 1500 residents living on Perry Road entering via secondary Chapel Road,” Ms Kelly gave as an example.
“Its absurd road planning. This major infill suburb did not happen overnight … and planning has been happening for over 15 years.”
Director of City Planning for the City of Greater Dandenong Jody Bosman took the questions on notice at the council meeting and supplied a detailed response to Ms Kelly.
While Mr Bosman confirmed the Chapel Road access to the new shopping centre will be a signalised intersection, pedestrian access to the centre will not be available via Hutton Road for Perry Road residents.
“As it currently stands, no connecting pedestrian/bike access will be constructed along Hutton Road to Perry Road by the opening date,” the written response said.
Mr Bosman also confirmed there would be no upgrade to the median lane on Hutton Road to accommodate for the influx of traffic.
“The median lane will not be updated to include a turning lane for traffic heading west on Hutton Road,” Mr Bosman wrote.
“The access the site from this direction, residents will need to turn right at the Chapel Road/Hutton Road lights, then turn right at the Chapel Road/shopping centre intersection.”
The Keysborough South Action Group wrote to VicRoads about the planned traffic management in the area and received a response within four days.
“At a post speed limit of 80kph, VicRoads considers allowing an uncontrolled right turn at the median of Hutton Road across three lanes to be unsafe,” the response said.
“Vehicles will be able to perform a U turn at the intersection of Chapel Road and Hutton Road to use the left in, left out access on Hutton Road, if they are travelling westbound on Hutton Road.”
Ms Kelly is urging residents to contact VicRoads and request a right hand turn to access the shipping centre via the median when heading west on Hutton Road.