Mo’s to grow for battler mate

David Mathison with support from Wayne Crawley and James Ker.

Dandenong’s Jim Doyle’s purple uniform, workplace and car aren’t enough – he’s now committed to growing a purple moustache in the name of men’s health.
The Dandenong Battery World franchisee jumped on board the Movember movement when fellow franchisee and friend David Mathison told him he was living with prostate cancer.
“When you hear the word cancer it is a real shock,” Mr Mathison said.
“When I hit my mid-40s I thought I should have the prostate cancer PSA check and when the results came back that my numbers were high I was immediately referred to a urologist.”
He said early detection was key.
“I am lucky in that I have the cancer cells but at this stage they are just there and not doing anything,” he said.
“I have annual tests to check everything is under control – so I guess the good thing about all of this is I know it is there so there are no surprises.
“My father had prostate cancer and lived until 90 so I guess I have the same cancer that he had.
“My message to men is to take the blood test and if it happens to lead to having the next test, think about your options – would you rather die of cancer or have a moment you might find embarrassing?”
Franchisee Greg Leslie’s dad Bill beat cancer twice thanks to early intervention.
“While the female franchisees and staff across Australia will sport fake moustaches, the whole male team from stores to support office, will do their best to grow and dye our mo’s purple in the hope that being a bit silly helps get the message across to men they are not invincible,” he said.