By Casey Neill
Noble Park’s Martin Kowalczyk and his Australian Tax Office colleagues are gearing up for the climb of their lives.
The 34-year-old will take 1642 stairs and his 11 Uncanny Taxmen teammates in this year’s Eureka Climb on Sunday 13 November.
It’s the first time Mr Kowalczyk has entered the race to the top of Melbourne’s tallest building.
He’ll have to conquer 88 levels and 300 metres of elevation to reach the finish line at the highest observation deck in the Southern Hemisphere.
“We’ve all been in training to complete the event to raise funds for Interplast and Whitelion charities, so that they may continue their great work rebuilding young lives,” Mr Kowalczyk said.
“Interplast works to improve lives of people in developing countries who are disabled as a result of congenital medical conditions.”
The non-profit particularly focuses on cleft lips and palates, burns and scars.
“Whitelion works with disadvantaged members of our community who come from abusive families, and are affected by sexual, drug and/or alcohol abuse,” Mr Kowalczyk said.
Mr Kowalczyk is running a raffle in his office and seeking sponsorship, with $400 his goal.
There will be a timed stairwell for climbers who want to race against the clock and an un-timed stairwell for those who’d prefer a more leisurely pace.
Last year’s event raised more than $260,000 and this year’s target is even higher.
Search for The Uncanny Taxmen at www.eurekaclimb.com.au to support the team.