A Keysborough housing estate has won two state awards.
Intrapac Property and Brencorp Properties residential development Somerfield took home the Urban Development Institute of Australia Excellence Awards for Best Residential Development and Environmental Excellence from a gala lunch at Crown on Friday 2 December.
Intrapac Property chief operating officer Maxwell Shifman said Somerfield’s environmental initiatives when planned a decade ago “blazed the trail for sustainability features that are only now becoming industry standards”.
It was an early adopter of recycled water before it became mandatory, water sensitive urban design and high-speed fibre to the home broadband internet access before the NBN.
Somerfield was the first UDIA EnviroDevelopment accredited under the national scheme in 2011 in the elements of ecology, water and community.
“Even though Somerfield presents much like a greenfield development, the engineering issues and numerous planning issues experienced were much closer to those typically associated with brownfield projects,” Mr Shifman said.
“To be recognised by the UDIA at the end of all the hard work is extremely rewarding.”
A history of market gardening, dog kennels and chicken farms meant the land at Somerfield was ecologically degraded.
Intrapac developed a plan to rehabilitate the area.
It devoted 16.7 per cent of the site to open space that includes parks and playgrounds, wetlands and natural parklands. Every home is within 400 metres of open space.
The landscaping also includes a reflections garden designed by Chelsea Flower Show winning garden designer Wes Fleming and a pirate-themed playground with public art, basketball courts, and barbecue facilities.
Footpaths and cycling tracks link the development in all directions.
“We’re also celebrating being the developer with the most UDIA Enviro Certifications ever achieved in a six-month period,” Mr Shifman said.
“We are constantly pushing to remain at the forefront of what’s possible in terms of sustainability.”
The UDIA Awards for Excellence in Victoria are now in their 21st year and recognise high quality developments.