Boost for baby bookworms

Greater Dandenong Mayor Jim Memeti reads to children at Dandenong Library.

Libraries in Dandenong and Springvale are helping budding bookworms to make a strong start.
They’re participating in the 1000 Books Before School program that is designed to prepare kids for school from birth.
Research shows that sharing stories with babies and young children prepares them for school with better literacy skills as well as fostering a lifelong love of reading.
The program’s aim is to read 1000 books with a child before they start school.
Reading the same book multiple times counts, as does participating in library storytime sessions.
Greater Dandenong Mayor Jim Memeti said being a library member was the only pre-requisite for being part of the program.
He read books at a storytime session at Dandenong Library on Monday 13 February to kick off the challenge.
“Participating in this exciting and rewarding program is free and registration can be done in person at either the Springvale or Dandenong libraries,” he said.
Each child who registers will receive a free reading kit to get started and a reward for every 100 books they read.
“I am looking forward to seeing lots of pre-schoolers at our weekly library storytime sessions this year and to welcoming some new library members as well,” Cr Memeti said.
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