Punching from the pulpit

John Yousif and Matt Scheffer prepare for the eight-week Fight Club challenge from 3 September.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Soft-spoken priest Matt Scheffer says the boxing ring is a metaphor for life.

“Don’t be afraid to get in the ring – and have a go.”

He is one of a group of ‘fighters’ hopping in the ring as part of an eight-week Fight Club challenge at UrbanGYM in Hallam.

The course culminates in a ‘Fight Night’ on 26 October – a sparring session and celebration of the participants’ achievement.

The event also raises money for charity as well as mental health awareness.

Mr Scheffer said he took the challenge to get more fit, but also to remind himself that often our biggest battle is our own fears.

“Life is like a boxing ring – it doesn’t matter how many times you’re hit, it’s how many times you get back up.

“Whatever your goals in life or whatever challenges you face, just don’t give up the fight.

“Know that there are people in your corner to support you. Just get in the ring and never quit.”

At his St James’ Anglican Church in Pakenham, he often sees people struggle with mental health issues.

“They’re often afraid to open up and talk about it, or ask for help.”

Unexpectedly, he found training at the gym gave him more than fitness. It gave him a community, perspective and skills for his own resilience.

UrbanGYM owner John Yousif said helping people through difficult times or bullying was a passion of his.

“Having gone through some minor bullying and depression myself, it was boxing that helped me get through.”

An Iraqi refugee, Mr Yousif remembers how his family survived thanks to the generosity of charities such as St Vincent de Paul.

Now he is determined to give back to the community.

Monthly, he volunteers at the St Vinnie’s Soup Van in Casey as well as regularly donating to causes such as the City of Casey Homeless Sleepout.

Proceeds from the Fight Night will go to local charities as well as to the overseas work of Extending Hands for Cambodia.

Last year’s event led to the provision of 1000 kilograms of rice and water filters to a Cambodian village.

The Fight Night is on Friday 26 October, 6pm at UrbanGYM, 94 Abbott Road, Hallam.