Robbers attack in broad daylight

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

A 40-year-old man has been attacked by would-be robbers in broad daylight near the Albion Hotel on Lonsdale Street Dandenong.

The Dandenong man had been walking along the footpath when the robbers demanded for cash and his phone about 10.45am on Saturday 19 October.

One of the robbers grabbed the victim by his hair, pulled him to ground and punched him in the face.

The victim fled without any loss of property. He reported the attack at Dandenong police station.

He suffered a laceration inside his mouth.

One of the offenders was described as Persian appearance, the other of dark complexion.

Any information to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or, or Greater Dandenong CIU on 9767 7487.