With the opening of the Springvale Library and Community Hub in early 2020 a number of career opportunities have become available across Council’s Library and Cultural Heritage Services.
The Springvale Library and Community Hub will become the new heart of Springvale, and passionate and dedicated staff are sought to help engage with the local community.
There are 14 jobs being advertised, with applicants expected to work at both Springvale and Dandenong libraries. Potential applicants should visit jobs.greaterdandenong.com to find out more.
With the new library expected to open in April, Council is also collecting stories about the original Springvale Library to create a small book preserving the history of the library.
First opened on 17 February 1973, Springvale Library has played an important role in the lives of residents for more than four decades. From English language and literacy support to the introduction of new technology, the library has helped members learn new skills and continue lifelong learning. The library also offers collections in many different languages, reflecting the cultural diversity of the Greater Dandenong community.
In 1978 the Springvale Library became one of the first computerised libraries in Victoria. In 1994 the internet arrived at the library. Then, in 1999 operating hours were increase to seven days per week – the most extensive opening hours for a library in Australia
Residents can share their tales by filling out a Your Library, Your Story postcard at either Springvale or Dandenong Library or visiting greaterdandenonglibraries.com to find out more.