An advice message has been issued for Dandenong South by Vic Emergency.
The message was issued at 2.24pm Wednesday 8 June with the building fire starting at Cahill Street. The next update is expected at 6.30pm unless the situation changes.
There is a building fire in Cahill Street, Dandenong South.
Firefighters are currently on scene
Smoke will be visible from nearby roads and communities.
There is currently no threat to the community, but you should continue to stay informed and monitor conditions.
People should keep the roads clear so emergency services can respond.
If you are sensitive to smoke or you live with someone who is sensitive to smoke, you should close windows and doors. Turn off heating and cooling systems.
To prevent the smell of smoke entering your home or business, close windows and doors.
Impacts in the area may include: traffic being affected, emergency services presence.
More details at http://emergency.vic.gov.au/respond/#!/warning/20886/moreinfo