By Sahar Foladi
The Andrews Labor Government has promised to deliver a major $2 million upgrade to the Springvale Reserve if re-elected.
The revamp would include an upgraded football oval and cricket nets.
“We’re proud to be injecting new life into local communities like Springvale – delivering the modern, accessible infrastructure and facilities our community deserves,” Mr Andrews said.
“Springvale Reserve is at the heart of Springvale – this upgrade is an investment in the kids, sports teams and families that use this facility every day.”
The reserve is home to Springvale Cricket Club and Springvale Districts Football and Netball Club.
Springvale Districts president Sean Francis has been with the club since 2012.
“To be considered and talked about in conversation at that level about funding, is awesome. We are hoping that everything works out and we’re able to do that,” Mr Francis said.
“Any funding is good funding, so anything that’ll help us grow and promote the club and bring it up to nice new modern standards we’re excited about.”
Mr Francis said the reserve has a growing netball program and the upgrades would support that growth.
“To be able to host netball games and training at the ground would be a great benefit.
“Netball courts and lighting would be outstanding. Our social rooms need an upgrade, they’re old and need toilets and a touch up.
“Especially with a large female contingent we would like to keep our amenities and social space up to date.”
Greater Dandenong Council recently spent $1.6 million on changing facilities and fire services at the reserve. It’s in the process of completing the oval fencing in upcoming months.
Mayor Eden Foster said: “Council is in the process of completing a concept plan for the long-term development of the Reserve, and will work with the State Government and key users of the Reserve to further upgrade the facilities.”
Springvale North Ward councillor Sean O’Reilly said the club was growing and the funds would be put in a great use.
“The funding could be spent on the social rooms which is about 30 years old, a bit tired and worn.
“Local residents would like to see their local ground supported and the team that play there.”
Cr O’Reilly said the club has grown participation, especially in netball but they’ve got nowhere to train.
“This is great news for the club. As the ward councillor I want to know if other parties like Liberals would commit to same level of funding.”
Mr Francis said the upgrades would support them to achieve growth in the junior ranks.
“By keeping things up to nice modern standards, not only does it look appealing, it’ll be inviting.
“Whether that’s players, families or junior sports, having new facilities makes it a lot more appealing to come to our club as opposed to other ones.
“We work really hard to promote sports and City of Greater Dandenong is a tough area to grow sports but we’ll keep trying and we’re excited to see what the future holds.”