Get ready for the danger period

City of Greater Dandenong will be under Fire Danger Period from 30 January.

By Sahar Foladi

City of Greater Dandenong is listed as one of the municipalities in Fire Danger Period (FDP) along with City of Casey from 30 January but what does this mean?

In simple words, FDP is where Country fire authority (CFA) restricts the use of fire in the community to prevent a fire from starting.

Businesses or locals who need to use open fire during this period would need to obtain a permit which is assessed in accordance with the Country Authority Act 1958.

Acting assistant chief fire officer John Francis said they’re not sure when this period will end.

“Make sure your gutters are clean. Make sure the grass is honed. The restriction will be enforced and it will depend on the weather when it’ll end.”

Those who lit a fire during this period will be breaking the law and may be prosecuted.

The offence can bring a penalty of over $21,800 and/or 12 months imprisonment.

“The grass in grassland is starting to dry out due to hot days we’ve had. What we’re doing is asking the residents to take care in re to what they do on daily basis and abide by the rules,” Mr Francis said.

So here is what you can’t do during this period.

You cannot have BBQ, fire for cooking and warmth does not require a permit but must be lit in a properly-constructed fireplace or in a trench at least 30 centimetres deep.

Do not drive where the vehicle comes in contact with crops, grass, stubble, weeds and other vegetation because of the risk posed by the hot exhaust system.

You cannot conduct burn-off without a permit.

To view complete conditions and more on what you can’t do during this period, visit

“We ask residents to take care during the next months of February and March which appears to be our hottest and driest months and look after each other. Also use common sense,” Mr Francis said.

Victorians can find out “Can I or Can’t I?” information at or by calling VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.