Greater Dandenong Council hopes an “eyesore” in Harmony Square will highlight the issue of illegal dumping in Greater Dandenong.
The huge installation of garbage is a small fraction of the 775-plus tonnes of waste illegally dumped in the municipality last year.
According to the council, it costs $2.9 million a year to pick up the unsightly mess in public spaces, parks, shopping areas and streets.
Mayor Eden Foster said it was “illegal, ugly, bad for the environment and bad for business”.
“Our city is a treasure but it’s currently being trashed.
“Dumping rubbish in our public spaces, parks and residential streets is detrimental to the wellbeing of our community.”
Cr Foster called on residents, renters, property owners and businesses to ‘do the right thing’ and dispose their rubbish responsibly.
“Together we can solve this problem, but everyone in Greater Dandenong needs to do their bit.”
The council offers a free hard rubbish collection each year as well as Reuse and Recycle Drop Off Days.
The most recent drop-off event attracted more than 1100 vehicles disposing 60 tonnes of items for re-use by charities or recycling.
With its Homecycle service, the council also collects smaller items for reuse and recycling in yellow-lid domestic bins.
In the past year, Greater Dandenong has also installed mobile CCTV cameras at dumping hot spots, with some success.
The council’s ‘Keep it Clean’ campaign is being promoted on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8m79Go81Ae4
Further details: greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/campaign-to-keep-greater-dandenong-clean or 8571 1000