Rate your council


Residents are being surveyed on Greater Dandenong Council’s performance from now until early July.

Random households will be receiving a call from an independent market research agency, National Field Services (NFS) on behalf of Council.

Similar communuity satisfaction surveys will be undertaken across Victorian councils in the coming months.

The survey has been designed to assess the performance of Greater Dandenong Council across a range of measures to identify ways to provide improvement or more effective service delivery to residents.

Phone calls coming from National Field Services:

– will never ask for the householder by name,

– will always identify themselves as National Field Services and introduce themselves by name,

– will always say how long the survey is expected to take,

– will come from a number with the prefix: (03) 9977. This may change over time, but calls will never be from a mobile number.

The council stated that resident details and individual responses are kept confidential. Only the overall results are shared with the City of Greater Dandenong.

Details, Greater Dandenong customer service, 8571 1000.