Dandy teen charged

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Two teenagers, one from Dandenong, are accused of breaking into a Melbourne GP’s home, stealing shoes, a luxury wallet, computers and car keys, before murdering him.

The 16-year-olds were arrested on Thursday 18 January following an investigation into the death of Ashley Gordon in Melbourne’s northeast on earlier this month.

The 33-year-old was found on Eildon Street in Doncaster about 5.30am by police responding to reports of an aggravated burglary at his Sargent Street home.

They allege Dr Gordon was involved in a confrontation where he was injured and died at the scene.

The two boys, one from Dandenong and the other from Travancore, were charged with aggravated burglary, theft and murder after being interviewed by detectives.

They are accused of entering the GP’s Doncaster unit with intent to steal and knowing Dr Gordon was home, charge sheets reveal.

The documents allege they stole a pair of Nike Air Force shoes, Astro A50 headphones, a gaming computer and gaming laptop, a blue Louis Vuitton wallet with ID and bank cards, and keys to a Mitsubishi Triton, with a NXP tag, valued at $5000.

The teens faced a children’s court on Thursday afternoon last week flanked by three police officers.

They stared straight ahead and remained silent during the brief hearing as future court dates were set.

There was no application for bail. One of the boys’ lawyers said it was his first time in custody.

The other boy refused to allow his parental guardian to be present when he was interviewed by police, a prosecutor told the court.

The prosecutor said police were combing CCTV footage, analysing phones and awaiting forensic analysis.

She requested 12 weeks to compile a brief of evidence.

The prosecution is also seeking parental approval to obtain DNA from the boys.

The accused teens were returned to custody and will reappear on February 8 for the forensic application.

They will then return for a committal mention on May 23.

Earlier on Thursday, Serious Crime Division Superintendent Janet Stevenson said Dr Gordon was a much-loved and valued community member.