Budget ‘critical’ ahead of Federal election

Photo: Mick Tsikas/AAP.

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Voters will be asking themselves whether the Federal Government has “done enough” to help them in a “critical” 2024-‘25 Budget, says Monash University politics expert Dr Zareh Ghazarian.

With the next election up to 12 months away, voters will be gauging how effectively the government relieves cost-of-living, energy prices and housing stresses in the Budget.

In the budget, most Australians were targeted with $300 energy rebates, with the government announcing cost-of-living as its “No.1 priority”.

“In this budget, voters will be asking themselves if the government has done enough,” Dr Ghazarian said.

“The government is not riding high in the polls so it will be a critical budget to get the support of the voters. Otherwise they will struggle to win the next election.”

Under economic stress, voters will look to the candidates and parties that offer solutions, Dr Ghazarian said.

“There’s the risk for Labor that the voters aren’t shy about voting against the two major parties.”