Plan for more attactive Springvale

Deputy mayor Richard Lim talks up Springvale's untapped tourism potential. 301035_08 Picture: GARY SISSONS.

by Sahar Foladi

Springvale is set to transform through a Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan endorsed by Greater Dandenong Council.

The final draft of the SRAP passed at a council meeting on 13 May is designed to attract investments and development to the Activity Centre.

The action plan is set to be implemented in three stages, short-term (1-5 years), medium (6-10 years) and long-term (more than 10 years).

Deputy mayor Councillor Richard Lim had always envisioned Springvale as a bustling tourism spot with much investment potential.

“I am a passionate advocate for the Springvale Activity Centre. This is a wonderful area reflecting the best of multiculturalism in Victoria.

“It not only offers amazing food from many cuisines, but also reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of the people who’ve made their homes here.”

The initiatives within SRAP both “tangible an operational” relate to culture, economy and the public realm including night-time economy initiatives, smart city technologies, improved streetscape, pedestrian zones and urban greening initiatives.

“We locals know it’s a wonderful area. We’re pursuing ongoing investment to keep it bright and attractive to people from all around Victoria and the world,” Cr Lim said.

The plan will build on some of the key strengths and attractions of the area that has already attracted many through the annual Lunar Year festivals and the unique Asian food on offer.

New outdoor eating paired with an upgraded restaurant directory and visitor maps will be seen to help support the already lively and full restaurants.

To elevate diverse events and increase participation, dedicated performance spaces and festival spaces will be delivered “ensuring a lively and connected atmospheres for all” under the plan details.

In 2020, the Springvale Lunar Year organised annually by Springvale Asian Business Association (SABA) together with Council saw a crowd of 60,000 to celebrate the all-day festival.

Amongst many other things, Springvale’s art and culture has weighed significance importance within almost every aspect of the design details.

As such, laneway art installations, place naming, culturally significant street decorations and programs to promote local artists will be part of the upcoming plans.

According to the Council, its short-term plans are already in inception stage with no delays expected while medium to long-term projects are “dependent on future funding approvals and Government grant opportunities.”

According to the report, Council has allocated $350,000 via its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) program to commence implementation and scoping of priority actions in the 2024-25 financial year.

“We will need other levels of government to contribute funding for some elements of the Plan.

“We will keep advocating for their investments, to make sure our vibrant local economy can flourish, and our local community can thrive.”