Housing stock to double in Greater Dandenong draft targets

Greater Dandenong and Casey would have 161,000 extra dwellings by 2051 under new draft targets released by the State Government.

In the case of Greater Dandenong, 57,000 new dwellings would nearly double the area’s existing 59,400 homes, as of 2023.

For Casey, a target of 104,000 would be set on top of 131,000 existing homes.

The State Government stated it would “work in partnership” with councils to “unlock space for more homes”.

Councils will be expected to report back on the draft target and the local changes they propose.

The targets for each council area will be finalised by the end of the year.

As part of the State Government’s Housing Statement, 70 per cent of new homes will go in established areas and 30 per cent in the outer suburbs.

The draft targets would double the number of dwellings in inner and middle Melbourne councils. They were calculated according to proximity to jobs, services and public transport.

“To give industry the confidence they need to get on and build, we need Government and all councils working towards the same goal: more homes for Victorians – in the right places,” Premier Jacinta Allan said.

Details: engage.vic.gov.au/project/shape-our-victoria/page/housing-targets-2051