by Sahar Foladi
The Bridge has celebrated a double milestone for its social enterprise 2Works by marking the 100th supported employee on their first anniversary.
2Works opened its doors as a supported employment warehouse in Dandenong in February last year and were able to celebrate their 100th supported employee through the program as a milestone on Friday 7 March.
The Bridge has provided opportunities for people with disabilities and disadvantaged backgrounds for more than 50 years.
General manager David Kazakoff said the milestone was a testament to the organisation’s hard work as a whole and not just as a social enterprise.
“When I started three years ago we had 45 supported employees at the Bridge Works. Three years on we’re about to celebrate our 100th employee.
“For us it’s always been about growth. I need my guys to slow down, it keeps going from strength to strength…
“We always look for business partners who are invested in supporting people with disability
“It’s not about saving production costs for their organisations or looking for cheap way to do things – they are very much invested in the mission and vision of the Bridge.”
The not-for-profit organisation secured 24 of the 47 supported employees from Afford Disability Enterprises in Carrum Downs after the site shutdown, which gave a major boost to the organisation.
One of them became the 100th supported employee of the organisation.
Supported employees work in various companies such as logistics support, manufacturing, labelling, assembly works and production.
For some with disability and those who are experiencing disadvantage, this is their first job and a major stepping stone in the workforce unlocking economic independence.
2Works is the second supported employment site in Greater Dandenong with a third one recently opened up on Saturday 1 March called The Bridge Works 3PL.
The Bridge Works 3PL will be up and running with a new delivery of logistics services by the end of Monday 17 March.
Mr Kazakoff says their “modern” approach has largely shifted people with disabilities from working in pick and packing.
“We have fantastic customers who have come on board to support us.
“We have a very different approach to our business partners which are our main contributing factor to our success.”
Progress and growth is always in works with The Bridge looking to secure their next warehouse in Pakenham, a “growth corridor untapped.”
“We need to replicate the model in Dandenong in Pakenham.
“We should have a work warehouse for our participants where they can one day work at.”
It already has a presence in Pakenham through its Slattery Place site, an integrated day service and pre-employment program Youth Jobs Now.