TAFE budget cuts now $25m: Chisholm

Half throttle: Bruce Parker and general manager Jim Conway at HM Gem's factory in Dandenong South. Picture: Gary Sissons

CHISHOLM Institute says budget cuts of more than $25 million could prevent it from catering for disadvantaged learners or responding to training demands from local businesses, industry and communities.

The institute is the biggest training provider in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs, with campuses in Cranbourne, Berwick, Dandenong and Frankston.

The institute initially thought the state budget cuts to the Vocational Education and Training sector would cost it about $20 million but has revised the figure upwards after closer analysis.

Institute CEO Maria Peters said that in 2013 the institute would lose at least $25.5 million, nearly one third of its government funding, on top of a loss of $4 million in funding from the state government last October.

Ms Peters said the institute was working to limit the damage.

‘‘The institute is looking at what organisational changes and efficiencies can be achieved to minimise the effects on its staff and its future student and industry clients.

‘‘However, given the magnitude of the cuts, it is more than possible there will be job losses and the likelihood that some of our current courses will not run.”

The Weekly asked the institute if it was possible some smaller campuses, such as Cranbourne, would have to close.

A spokeswoman said the institute was still working through the implications for each campus.

Ms Peters said Chisholm had performed well in a competitive VET market but the ‘‘astonishing level of cuts’’ risked its capacity.

‘‘I have every confidence in our staff to stay focused and keep doing the great job they are doing with students.

‘‘What will also contribute to Chisholm’s future is … [our] students are well regarded; they achieve great job outcomes or go on to further study either with Chisholm through its own degrees or through our university partners.’’