Greater Dandenong Weekly: letters to the editor

Re: Taste of life in refugee’s shoes

Mistakes were made for sure, Peter Reith: one of them was ever letting you be in public office. The brutal abuse was at your hands.

Marilyn (via web)

We must treat all humans in a compassionate manner. People do not flee to a safe sanctuary for no reason. 

Many flee without legal documentation, many are turned away from their chosen destination, many are returned to their unsafe country of origin — and we still haven’t ‘a solution’.

We have tried in the past to hide asylum seekers in the desert and on islands without success. We have demonised them as terrorists, queue jumpers and claimed they throw children overboard.

Let’s increase the numbers accepted and offer more aid to those suffering in camps overseas.

Life in refugee’s shoes (via web)

Our troops are dying in Afghanistan trying to make a better life for these people. They should be back there fighting alongside the troops. 

Your country is what you make it. There is a limit to the number of people we can take in.

Jackie (via web)

Mr Sultani was lucky enough to have money and a passport to fly to Dubai, Malaysia then Indonesia. Legitimate migration places are being eaten up by those who have the money to shop for a migrant outcome.

Alamdar (via web)

Re: Fire levy ‘not a council charge’: Greater Dandenong

They used to be attached to insurance premiums, but this did not ‘catch’ enough people. This is a much fairer way to collect the fire service levy.

Mario Galteri (via web)

Re: Charity trash dumping blitz for Springvale

This problem does not seem to go away. Every charity location has the same issue every day, weekend, month, year. It’s about time councils get real and start fining the polluters.

Action Replay (via web)

Crossing dangers

In Fifth Avenue, Dandenong West, children are in danger crossing the road from the day care centre to the kindergarten.

Parents must walk with their children from one side to the other in peak morning and evening traffic with no crossing. However, when I approached the council on this issue, the response was that there was no need for a crossing. 

The council needs to urgently install a pedestrian crossing to keep children in Dandenong West safe.

Matthew Kirwan, Keysborough, candidate for Red Gum Ward

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