Dump your tech gear for free

UNWANTED computers, TVs, printers and other computer hardware can be dumped for free at Springvale Town Hall this Saturday. 

The collection is for small businesses and residents. The Techcollect event is staged by the recycling industry group Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform.

The group’s chief executive officer Carmel Dollison said the initiative guaranteed ‘‘end of life’’ televisions and computer products would be disposed in an environmentally-sustainable way.

“Australia’s e-waste issue can only be tackled by companies and communities working together, we take product stewardship seriously and look forward to working with our members, local councils and recyclers to provide communities with a free sustainable recycling service’’.

Whitegoods and household appliances, game consoles and DVD players aren’t accepted. 

It is on in the hall’s rear car park between 8.30am-3.30pm. Details: techcollect.com.au.