Greater Dandenong Your Say: Letters to the Editor

Voters hold the power

Residents and ratepayers of Greater Dandenong who want their children and grandchildren to have safe, happy and sustainable futures should think carefully about how they vote on October 27.

The current councillors are well past their use-by dates and have clearly proven that they lack the vision and strategic planning skills to lead the city into the future.

Some of them have approved housing development in the low-lying areas of Dandenong and Keysborough South, directly in the pathway of potential massive overland flooding. Most have approved inappropriate high-rise unit developments in residential streets with seemingly little respect for the concern of objectors.

This council has failed in its purpose. The city needs fresh councillors with the skills, enthusiasm and vision to get it on track for the future.

– Janet Cox, Dandenong

Re: ‘Rubbish’ say cleaners as council calls in contractors

Greater Dandenong Council, start paying the workers a semi-decent wage (which is still below the Australian average) as they are the ones who make our town a decent place to be. Also people, start using common sense. If a bin is full, don’t keep putting rubbish on top so it can blow away. Take it home with you. Keep fighting the good fight for the workers.

– Elizabeth R, Dandenong North (via web)

Uncollected garbage shows up unions as the dinosaurs they are. The next overseas trip for Greater Dandenong’s councillors should be to Wisconsin in the US to talk to Governor Scott Walker about how to get aggressive public sector unions to behave. 

Australia needs an American-style ‘right to work’ law, abolishing the ‘closed shop’ that bars jobs to those who don’t believe in socialist unionism. As a ratepayer, I don’t receive anything of value from public sector unions, and object to my taxes funding union contributions to the ALP, whose carbon taxes and other globalisation policies are killing union jobs in manufacturing and mining.

– Thomas Fischer (via web)

Re: Apartment project gets council nod

I write in response to Laurie McCoy’s letter (Weekly, October 8). I am horrified that the idea of not voting at the election might be suggested and even taken up by people. 

The best way to make changes in the council is to vote out the councillors who are driving to push to develop multi-storey units and vote in those who support a much lesser emphasis on development.

Laurie claims that three Red Gum Ward councillors did not vote on the Pultney Street development. This is not accurate. Paul Donovan did vote for it. Jim Memeti did not vote claiming a conflict of interest, and Angela Long took a ‘toilet break’. Residents and ratepayers must vote on October 27. This is your democratic right — to make any change you think should take place in your local council. 

– Patsy Horne, Dandenong

What do you think? Post a comment below.

The Weekly welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email Post a web comment to any story at


In the lead-up to the council elections on October 27, the Weekly requires letters and comments on municipal issues submitted for publication, whether online or in print, to carry the author’s or commentator’s full address and telephone number, for purposes of verification only. The Weekly reserves the right to exclude material that is not fully identified. The editor’s decisions will be final.

The editor

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