Dandenong Your Say: Letters to the Editor

Re: Refugees’ tales bring tears to parliament

Very proud to see the young refugees raising the realities for refugees in state parliament.

Thumbs up for Zainab, who spoke of the key point: “It’s not for this beautiful lifestyle or the food or the high amount of entertainment but because of safety and security. We want our lives and happiness.”

– Ali Zaheer (via web)

Gaming machines

Springvale RSL has every right to feel somewhat jilted by Greater Dandenong Council’s refusing an application for an additional 11 gaming machines, simply because the decision hasn’t been made using common sense.

Once again we have a situation where normal law-abiding people are being punished simply because members of the council want to jump on a politically correct bandwagon in an attempt to rid our city of gaming machines.

When you crunch the numbers and put things in perspective, it’s not at all difficult to see why the Springvale RSL feels it has been dealt a most unfair blow.

The percentage of the Victorian adult population who are defined as being problem gamblers sits at about 1 per cent, a pretty minuscule amount.

While I will agree that Greater Dandenong probably doesn’t need more gaming venues, I think the council places too much of an emphasis on the number of machines in the municipality, as opposed to the number of venues.

Springvale RSL has been in operation for a number of years and, for the vast majority of patrons, provides a meaningful, legitimate and legal venue for hospitality and entertainment. The RSL has provided many benefits to members of the community.

I would also like to see existing venues contribute more money and resources towards assisting those who do find themselves developing a problem gambling habit.

However, decisions still need to be made on a case-by-case basis. We need to maintain a balanced approach between ensuring the community is looked after while allowing local business an opportunity to grow and remain profitable.

The simple fact is that the additional gaming machines in this venue, had it been approved, would have had virtually no effect on the number of problem gamblers in our municipality.

All the council has done in refusing the application is punishan organisation for having the audacity to run a perfectly legal business.

– Brad Woodford, Noble Park

Re: Vandalism raises poll fears

I am horrified to read about intimidation tactics in our democratic modern country. I hope the police will catch the cowards!

– Ands (via web)

Re: Labor ‘domination’ riles independents

It’s time for postal voting. It seems every other council has it. Postal voting can be sent out in other languages and we can all vote in the comfort of our homes. That’s why pre-polling is becoming so popular. Greater Dandenong Council, get with the times!

– Cybil (via web)

The Journal welcomes letters no longer than 250 words. All letters are subject to editing and must include a name, address and phone number. Post: The Editor, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175, or email eastvoice@yourweekly.com.au. Post a web comment to any story at dandenongjournal.com.au.

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