VIEW Club: Dandenong Evening VIEW Club members meet at 7pm on November 12 at Dandenong RSL for dinner, guest speaker, socialisation and to support the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program. Details: 9560 9717.
Teach English: AMES needs volunteers over 18 to tutor recent arrivals in Australia for two hours a week. Free training and ongoing support. Details: Paula, 8791 2434 or Ghezal, 8791 2441.
Church fair: St James’ international fair is on from 9am Saturday at the church in Langhorne Street, Dandenong. Stalls include clothing, carpets and plants plus children’s activities and Indian, Sri Lankan and Samoan foods. Details: 0412 221 652.
Computer classes: Courses for MYOB for beginners, computing and drawing at Noble Park Community Centre. Details: 9547 5801.
Green thumbed: Mulgrave Neighbourhood House is holding a horticultural skills and knowledge course on Mondays from 1pm. Cost: $55. Details: 9548 3311.
Website training: Not-for-profit groups in Casey can apply for free websites on Casey Connect, with subsided training available at $30 for a three-week course. Details: 9703 1688.
Guides helpers: Volunteers are needed to help lead groups of 7-14 year-old Guides in Springvale and Noble Park. Details: Helen, 9795 3250.
Seniors school: Dandenong University of the 3rd Age is a low-cost co-operative learning organisation for active retirees. Learn new arts and crafts. Annual fee is $40. Details 9546 2997.
Ratepayers AGM: Ratepayers Victoria is holding its annual meeting from 2pm on November 25 at South Oakleigh Bowling Club, 1216 North Road. Details: Jack Davis, Jack_d@iinet.net.au, 9570 6227 or 0412 238 974.
Meditation Mondays: Sessions from 2.30-3.30pm on Mondays at The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong. Entry by gold coin donation. Details: 9791 8664.
Women’s choir: Southern Sounds Chorus in Langwarrin/Frankston has a new members night at 7 next Monday. Free entry. Details: Christine, 5971 2231, or Judy, 9775 4464.
Ride on: Get pedalling in spring in U3A’s cycling groups for beginners and advanced riders. Groups include exercise, walking, singing and dancing. Membership is $40 a year. Details: 9546 2997.
Over 45s: Hallam Friends social group meets at 7.30pm on the first and third Wednesday of the month at Positano’s, Princes Highway, Hallam. Details: Gail, 9796 3475 after 6pm.
Seniors fitness: Join a seniors exercise group for one-hour sessions with an experienced trainer. Meet at Dandenong Oasis cafe at 9.15am on Wednesdays. Details: 5971 3038 or 9791 7577.
Computer class: Basic internet search and email classes from 1-3.30pm on Mondays and 12.30-3pm on Wednesdays at Jan Wilson Community Centre, Halton Road, Noble Park North. Details: 9795 9279.
Sing it loud: Join the chorus at Goss Choir, meeting from 7-9pm Mondays at Hallam Primary School, Harmer Road. No experience necessary. Cost $5 a night. Details: Dene Menzel, 0432 936 849.
Carer support: ‘Grow Better Together’ carers group for friends and family of those affected by mental health issues. Free and confidential meetings in Dandenong, Scoresby and Frankston. Details: 1800 558 268 or grow.net.au.
Karaoke crooners: Sing the tunes of the 1950s and ’60s from 1.30-3.30pm on Fridays at U3A Karaoke Klub, Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, Noble Park. For singers and audience members aged 55-plus. Lots of prizes and giveaways. Details: Rob, 9711 1118.
Computer class: Basic internet search and email classes from 1-3.30pm on Mondays and 12.30-3pm on Wednesdays from mid-October at Jan Wilson Community Centre, Halton Road, Noble Park North. Details: 9795 9279.
Beginner’s IT: Free introduction to email classes, from 9.30-11.30am on October 5 at Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre. Bookings essential. Details: 9791 1449.
Open doors: Hallam Community Learning Centre ‘open house’ has talks, demonstrations and a bargain table. Free morning tea from 10am-noon on October 11 at 56 Kays Avenue. Details: 9703 1688.
Charity dinners: Dandenong Evening VIEW Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Dandenong RSL for dinner Details: 9560 9717.
Tai chi: Easy, introductory tai chi at The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong. Entry by gold coin donation. Details: 9791 8664.
Sing it loud: Join the chorus at Goss Choir in Hallam, a friendly fun-loving group of men and women who enjoy singing popular songs. Details: Dene Menzel, 0432 936 849.
Alcoholics support: Alcoholics Anonymous meets 6pm on Fridays at St James Anglican Church, 55 Langhorne Street, Dandenong.
Send details by noon on the Wednesday before publication to eastsee&do@yourweekly.com.au or See & Do, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175.
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