Doveton mosque: Call to ban 'hatred preaching'

Not backing down: Sam Aziz denies Islam is a peaceful religion.


CASEY deputy mayor Sam Aziz will seek to impose a planning condition “not to preach hatred from the pulpits” on a proposed Afghan mosque in Doveton.

Cr Aziz has backed objections by Catch the Fire Ministries pastor Danny Nalliah, who is rallying opinion against the mosque in Green Street.

The mosque, if approved by the council, would be built in an industrial zone next to Catch the Fire’s $2 million planned church.

Cr Aziz has requested a motion at tomorrow’s council meeting to invite Mr Nalliah to address the council “reflecting upon his international experience, on the dangers of indoctrinated religious intolerance to the values, freedoms and stability of liberal and democratic societies”.

Cr Aziz told the Journal he would not back down from his stance — despite claiming to have received an anonymous death threat last week.

He said a “coward” calling from a private number told him: “You insulted Islam, I’m going to come and kill you.”

“I’m prepared for the consequences, even if it’s at significant personal cost,” Cr Aziz told the Journal.

He said those claiming Islam was a “peaceful religion” was not “reflected in behaviours we’ve seen”.

Cr Aziz cited recent anti-terrorism raids on Muslims living in the south-east as evidence that the threat was “not too far from home”.

Cr Aziz, who said he studied for a masters degree on religious terrorism at the Australian Defence Force Academy, said religious peace in Casey was “up to the Muslims”. “When was the last time you saw a Hindu or Buddhist commit a terrorist atrocity? Never. We do not welcome the imposition of other values on our own, especially when it is with threats of violence.”

In justifying his planning condition upon the mosque, Cr Aziz said there were Koran verses that “can incite hatred” — ones that referred to people as “pigs and monkeys” and denigrated women.

“I am a Christian. There’s not a single verse in the New Testament that I couldn’t live with, within my values in a liberal democracy.”

He said other planning concerns included the mosque’s proximity to nearby churches.

Narre Warren North MP Luke Donnellan lashed the “attitude” of “some Christian leaders in our community”.

“In this multicultural and multi-faith community we value the diversity and ability of all members to practise their faith. These people who peddle division should remember the lessons from overseas where fundamentalist approaches to religion simply destroy countries and communities.”

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