Springvale seniors' memorable milestones

Happy couples: Doreen and Leo Barnes, and John and Anna Crnkovic.


CONGRATULATIONS were the order of the day at Springvale Senior Citizens Multicultural Club when popular members Doreen and Leo Barnes of Mt Waverley and John and Anna Crnkovic of Dandenong North celebrated memorable milestones.

Mr and Mrs Barnes celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary, and Mr and Mrs Crnkovic their 50th.

The Barneses received messages from the Queen and Prime Minister Julia Gillard, among many others.

The pair met on a blind date when Mr Barnes was 19 and Mrs Barnes 17, and married a year later at St James’ Anglican Church in St Kilda.

The couple have one daughter, Sue and two grandchildren — Ryan and Marlo, and five great-grandchildren.

The Crnkovics were born in Croatia, with John coming to Australia in 1959, later sponsoring his wife to follow.

“He is friendly and outgoing and soon assimilated to the Australian way of life,” Mrs Crnkovic said.

“We finally settled in Dandenong and we have lots of friends in the senior multicultural club. We look on them as family.”

The couple have one daughter, Susan, and a granddaughter, Allegra Grace Jones.

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