MAV urges council poll bankroll transparency


MUNICIPAL Association of Victoria chief executive Rob Spence wants candidate donations in future council elections revealed prior to voting.

Mr Spence told the Journal this would allow voters to see the “spheres of influence” in their communities. “The challenge with the current system is that the voter doesn’t know who’s funding the candidate’s campaign.”

Greater Dandenong election figures revealed that four of the 11 elected councillors had donations of more than $500 to declare, as per the Local Government Act.

Mr Spence said not having to declare donations under $500 could hide significant gifts. “The candidates could have a whole lot of $499 donations [that do not have to be declared].”

Lightwood Ward councillor Youhorn Chea received the highest amount of donations —more than $17,000 for the former mayor’s campaign, most coming from a fund-raising dinner.

Heang Trak received the next highest amount with more than $5000 declared — $3000 from the Khmer Buddhist Society.

Greens-aligned councillor Matthew Kirwan received $3000 from the Victorian branch of Australian Greens and Sean O’Reilly a $1000 donation.

Cr Chea would not comment on his colleagues’ funding but said the $500 threshold was low enough.

He said it would be “too hard” to declare the number of small donations he received.

Eight of the 41 candidates in last year’s elections failed to submit the compulsory declarations, and risk fines more than $8000.

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