Melbourne Water acts on Noble Park fire hazard

Ready to ignite: The dry, overgrown grass along Mile Creek in Noble Park. Picture: Wayne Hawkins


CONCERNS about a potential fire hazard near Mile Creek in Noble Park has forced Melbourne Water to break its tight maintenance schedule.

An area of dry and waist-high grass was going to be left unattended until late January, but the water authority — which is responsible for maintaining the creek — will inspect the area “as a matter of priority” after the Journal queried the issue.

The overgrown patch encroaches the wooden fence of homes bordering the creek, which runs past the Noble Park Community Centre, near Ross Reserve.

Resident Kodakkath Menon described the area as potential fire hazard. “It’s waist-high,” he said. “You just need someone to throw a cigarette in there then it’s alight.’

Melbourne Water’s maintenance co-ordinator for the south-east David Leggo said Mile Creek was mown four times a year and the schedule was carefully planned to coincide with heavy growth periods during summer. The next mow was due at the end of this month.

When the Journal asked if the area ought to be attended to sooner, due to residents’ concerns, Mr Leggo said: “We are sending someone out to inspect this area and will schedule a mow as a matter of priority.” Mr Leggo denied the authority was under pressure to cut costs.

Last November, a report from the state’s auditor-general criticised how reliant the state government’s last budget surplus was on the annual dividends from state authorities like Melbourne Water. 

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