Industry hub 'should be in Dandenong South'


AN advanced manufacturing precinct in Clayton proposed by the federal government should be shifted to Dandenong South, an industry peak body chief says.

Paul Dowling, executive director of South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance, said the innovation hub was best sited in manufacturing’s heartland.

He said there was a “clear disconnect” between manufacturers and Clayton’s research hub, which included the Australian Synchrotron, Monash University and CSIRO.

“You can’t have connectivity [between manufacturers and researchers] if you’re not among manufacturers and not visible to manufacturers,” he said.

“Research is often in an academic setting — it’s the last place manufacturers would go for.”

Mr Dowling said Dandenong South was centrally located for manufacturers in Kingston, Casey and Cardinia, and well connected to Monash and Knox via EastLink.

He was excited by the “big potential” of the government’s concept. Australia was in the bottom five in the world for connecting innovation and manufacturing, he said.

“It will make manufacturing proactive and not reactive. It will help us build a future in manufacturing based on new technology. It may not be the same sort of manufacturing as we currently see. We may not like it. The future is technology.”

The precinct plan is a major plank in the government’s $1 billion jobs and innovation policy announced last week.

A spokeswoman for Industry and Innovation Minister Greg Combet said Clayton was chosen because it had a strong manufacturing research and services base, but the precinct would also capture manufacturers in the wider south-east Melbourne region, including Dandenong.

“Manufacturers from around the country will be able to tap into the precinct and access its services and expertise.”

She said the government was consulting with stakeholders to sit on the industry-led board that would manage the precinct.

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